My recent posts. (click here!)
Off i am, planning for the biggest trip of the wh...
Being a manager is a very lonely path,Seeing your...
For the past 2 months, i gotten pretty stress at ...
I'm getting married,I'm scared.
I hate farewell and goodbye. Colleagues come and g...
I brought a house, OMG.Put that precious 1% , and...
He said i force him too much, he said when will i...
At the age of 30, particularly recently, when i w...
Today marks the day whereby my "first" subordinat...
In life, there's always this few guys that you re...
Friday, July 01, 2016, 10:18 AM
Today reality remind me and re-emphasize a point to me.
If you are born a beautiful face, everything is good.
So, why do society find fault on girls who go for plastic surgery?