I always called him until i felt so sian/nuisance myself. But i wonder why doesn't he felt that I am a nuisance and just fcuking reply my emails?
i wonder is it because i ask stupid questions and hence lead to him thinking my emails are not important and hence being thrown aside?
Sunday, February 22, 2015, 9:33 PM
oh gosh.
I have 155mails to read tomorrow && perhaps some email to reply??
Saturday, February 21, 2015, 10:21 PM
Today marks the "end of " my chinese new year because it's the end of my annual relative visiting.
It's kinda boring but with some card games such as sobotuer ( i dont really know how to spell) , things become a bit better. Happy chinese new year everyone! :) <3
PS. I think the previous picture that i wore the cheongsam made me look skinni-er . hahahahhaha sorry guys, i gave you a false impression that i become skinnier.
HAHAHHAHA ithinkiamjustattractedtomatureguys.#om
Friday, February 20, 2015, 8:48 PM
ok. I think cny is very bery very bery boring. but it's a short getaway from work ( not exactly though) but at least an escape from replying troublesome email. :)
I admit, i peek at my emails several times partly because i am so uncomfortable & worried that i really really really have something to attend to.
I lost. & iamkindofhavingacrushonsomeone.ohno.butiknowitisquiteimpossibleforbothofus.butohwell....
Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 9:13 AM
I guess, maybe i am just too worried for them.
I felt somehow more comfortable after reading this
What a society.
I kinda envy them.
, 8:07 AM
It's my first year working ( full-time job) &&& cny!
i dont know if you understand how it's link
i have to admit.......
the idea of 3 long holidays excite me than the festival itself. :) :) :) :) :)
I hope i can throw my phone aside & heck about this stupid email which most probably will amount up to 100+++ in 3 working days.
sometimes i hope i can suddenly have some memory loss &&&&&& forget anything about work.
It festive season.
Sunday, February 15, 2015, 4:55 PM
I don't know if I really like challenges in my life or it's just ego that's in the way.
somehow i like challenging guys.
&& that's up to you how you define the word challenging. :P
jumping into a cave myself?
, 4:54 PM
people who are currently going through the same stage as you will totally understand/relate what you meant
Saturday, February 14, 2015, 9:39 AM
I know i am abit lame but hahhahaha Jigglypuff????!??!!??!!
I did a personality test online for fun and i am a jigglypuff???!
I know i like jiggypuff when i was young.
just that when this word "jiggypuff" came up, it's totally childhood please.
Tuesday, February 03, 2015, 8:05 PM
Lose motivation in work. Probably due to the fact that I felt helpless sometimes. Like i start to think the position i held is pretty useless.
or perhaps I know this business is going to fold in a short term time. I dont know.
I think i need to fight my own "emotion gate" before I can carry on properly and professionally with my work.
Kinda have mixed feeling especially when today i went back to school to promote my company ( yeah, right), eavesdrops my ntu juniors , 179 now stops right infront of ADM building, the new buidling/campus area set up and walked home through the yunan gardens eventually... it's like.........
I don't know.
but definitely not a nice feeling