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Hello, I'm Liling. Blogging on/off since 2004.

Andy Beesuan Cynthia Lim Edmund Elaine Helena Hui Shan Hooi Kim TOHHwee Ting TOHJiaHui Jermine Ken Tan Liling Mei Ting LiHuan LeeLeng LingLing lynetteTang Pamela Shirley SinYee Stella Stephanie Tracy イーリン YiFeng YuZhi Winnie Xiang Yi XingYong Zhong Sheng ZiYu

Sunday, May 25, 2014, 11:39 AM
When you tell your parents that you are trying to apply for this job & their first reaction was :
" what!"
"you wasted your four years in university"

I havent really actively finding a job yet. but for now i know, I made a mistake 4 years ago and I am trying to correct it.
But its really disheartening when you grow up in a traditional chinese family. I know my parents love me & they did a good job in raising me up.

Sunday, May 18, 2014, 10:37 AM
I just met up with this brunch of friends yesterday & it kind of reminds me again how elite people think & do job hunting differently. 
My definition of elite people is defined as those who are academically smart only.
even though i sat there for 2 freaking hours, but i am not really involved in their "too elite" conversation because i am not elite enough to comment anything about their elite conversation.

Monday, May 12, 2014, 10:45 PM
Sometimes, I think i am weird. Like even though i grumble, I still do things that doesn't benefit me at all or maybe, made me worst off. It's just that I might be too kind. This comment sounds weird to say I myself, being a kind person.
But whatever.
I feel happy for people when they achieve something, but back in my brain, I will always be telling myself:
"Look, what people have done. should you freaking work harder to move on with your life?"

Monday, May 05, 2014, 11:08 AM

シンガポール大学生就職人気企業に日系企業はゼロ: 海外で優秀層を採用できない日系企業

投稿日: 2014年02月08日 21時17分


■ 日本はシンガポール第二位の投資国

■ シンガポールの大学生の1/3は日系企業を無条件で就職先から除外
シンガポールの学生の就職意識調査: シンガポール系企業と外資系(日系・欧米系など)に対するイメージ ※現在はリンク切れ

■ なぜ日系企業は就職先として避けられるのか
1. 給料が欧米系・地元大企業と比べて安いこと
2. 無意味な長時間労働を強いられること
3. 独特な企業文化への同質圧力があること、日本語を強く求められること

■ 日系企業の対策: 駐在員比率を高めた
参考記事: 海外現地採用者は日本本社駐在員の下僕なのか?

■ 日系企業への処方箋
1. 労働生産性を高め、給料を上げる。
2. 労働時間でのプロセスへの評価でなくアウトプットでの評価に移行する
3. 特異文化を排除する、そのためにも現地人に権限移譲する

I thought it was quite a interesting read because even though Singapore is ranked the second country for Japan's investment in 2012, report shows that university graduates cannot really name any of the Japan companies.! & they still went on the say why Universities graduate somehow will reject working in Japanese companies without any valid reason. && then they go on pointing out the three main reasons why.
I thought it was pretty interesting to read. Pardon me if i misread any points. HAHHA

Friday, May 02, 2014, 9:05 PM

I was so amazed by myself on how fast I can pen down my all my feelings in Japanese just now when i was trying to concentrate on my "revision". 
In conclusion, 

Didn't go for work today because I was having fever at 3.30am in the morning. Freezing cold, wearing a thick jacket, leggings and socks in my bedroom because I thought it was the aircon. Then, i stop and hesitate. When I went out of my aircon bedroom, I realised that I am still feeling cold. which means, I am really sick. To be honest, I am quite bored at home the whole day. But it has been long since I last stayed at home for the whole day.

Thursday, May 01, 2014, 10:06 PM
I really appreciate friends who know me well enough that they know what i am feeling before i do anything.
#1 "I know you are angry. "
#2 "you are becoming too anti-social "
#3 " don't act cute in front of me olreadi lah. don't want just tell me! "

Sometimes it kind of scared me of how my closer friendS know me better than I know myself. It's just a natural reaction, I didn't mean to feel angry about small things nor making "cute tone" nor rejecting people. Just, somehow ( i have no freaking idea why) I behave like that when thrown in some particular situation.