I can't imagine I actually bowed and say sorry to obasan when I board the bus just now.
REVERSE culture shock.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 8:40 PM
So, I am just treated as part of his job.
I am forced to admit this fact, because evidences are placed in front of me.
Monday, July 29, 2013, 4:14 PM
I'm back to Singapore.
The feeling of being back to Singapore seemed so unreal.
I don't know why either.
Reverse cultural shock?
Thursday, July 25, 2013, 6:19 AM
Today is my last day at the research centre before I am heading to Tokyo. Ironically, I thought of my last day in Stockholm's hostel.
Even though I didn't really have a very great time here for the past two months, but I still feel at least a pinch of sadness today.
So I told myself to focus my job, just only my job today.
Monday, July 22, 2013, 10:08 PM
Can you imagine yourself living in a country governed by rules and procedures?
& You are constantly reminded to follow the rules, adhere to the norms and live up to the society's expectation.
Thursday, July 18, 2013, 6:30 PM
The mixed feeling of seeing this brand here/Singapore.
On a brighter note, having stayed for 20 minutes later create more time to talk to my tutor. :)
V-E-R-Y H-A-P-P-Y. I just love to talk to my tutor because I think he's a pretty good person, the only thing about him is that "he's too typical Japanese". that makes it even better .
Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 5:42 PM
To become friends with another person requires two hands to clap.
I want to be closer friend with my tutor. But he.............
, 5:40 PM
How much effort and work I made to make my trip up to mount Fuji. This includes the fretting/considering/ preparation before/after the climb.
I knew how to climb up but don't know how to climb down. I literally hold another intern's hand for 4 hours to come down of the mountain.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 9:53 PM
Monday, July 08, 2013, 7:30 PM
Language is something that convey your message and your emotions.
If you only learn language to convey your message, then it's a failure.
I didn't know the importance. But recently, I came to realise this simple yet difficult logic. 世界上有这么多好人?