Hmm..not my usual style..hahah.. just kidding larx.. just busy wif going out ..so not much time to write lorx.. dunno y lex.. y nowadays like everyone got de hi 5 dex.. suddenly the number of the friend resquest and accept as friend shot up liaoz..
yesterday .. i went to met joanna again larx.. firstly to return the comics.. then borrows comics again..then my mum saw it..she like very unhappy..then sae dun borrow when school reopen lax.. haya..if she dun have sae i will also not de lorx.. cause next year not 1b liao.. is a important year.so must really study hardx leix.. at night i think of next year de things .. wa.. then can see that a tough year instead.. then a little bit scared scared leix.. must buck up my D and T de resultx.. and english.. two worst subjects.. science also..most important subject is science lex..
hmm.. school going reopen lex.. todae actually wanna to go eat steamboat dex.. then my father dun wanna..cause too expensive le.. then too bad liaoz lox.. tuesday that time . we go swimming at jurong east complex.. near moi school.. hmm.. that day the weather is super cold larx.. then go to the big pool swim a few laps..then go lazy riverx.. the water there so swallow..not nice to play dex.. wild wild wet de 1m ..there 05.m.. then go to the wave there and play lorx.. but too bad dun have rent the life boat..that onex.. but overall still nice to play larx..
then this few days also asking ppl around about wat they goin g to bring on first day of school lox.. i think kenneth is going to bring alot .. no offence horx. .kenneth.. then fiona.bring science textbook,...math textbook and foolscape..most ppl tell me is liike this larx..
then yesterday hear the news tat wanrong going to wear contract lense lex.. yuchun.. pam..dooren ..yifeng also.. wa.. suddenly like got contract lense craze like tat.. cannot imagine how they look like after not wear spec leix.. i not jealous larx. onli alittle bit curious onli larx.. but thenx i really hate sumone lox.. wearing contract lense lex.. alittle bit bu shuang larx..
Monday, December 27, 2004, 1:39 PM
Hmm.. my usual style..back to update moi boggie once every two days ..
just online and everyone will ask how is ur christmas.. actually moi family dun usually christmas much dex.. so no use larx.. then can i ask anyone return report book le mahz.. yiling have not return yetx.. then todae.. update at about 12.40 like tatz.. hmm..not much to write larx.. but is good lorx.. todae..
actually wanna to meet joanna dex.. then last mintues go out wif moi anut.. cause moi aunt lorx.. she going to bring us out to munch..go to the NTUC country club..then meet at moi grandma place..so early reach there le..then very sian..then come home lorx.. play com a while then go again..
moi aunt give each of us a goodie bag lor..as christmas present..hahahaz.. not back larx.. then i pick the largest one..which is the so call "bonus " pack..cause every pack got one chesee ball onli..mine got two..hahaahz..
yesterday go JP..buy buy.. i buy the conserve drum bag lorx.. $29.90.. at wallet shop there .. round round de..then big big de..very nice and cute.. hahahz.. wan rong this few days dunno when also got go buy horx.. i saw your blog ba..hahahz..can compare see see.. moi sis buy the sport shoes and goggles.. wa.. the sport shoes very expensive lor .. $79.90..use her own money.. the goggles pinky de..yuck.. she dunno y nowadays like pink so much..is SO much lorx.. end here lex.. next next day then write lex.. hahahz..
Saturday, December 25, 2004, 3:49 PM
hmm.. back again leix.. come and update moi bloggie.. hear complains tat me bloggie de words got big got small..very diffuclt to see..so i going to change lex.. from now onwards.. all small letterings lorx.. dunno how many days dun have write lex. cause as the tag saex.. hmm.. com spoilt plus summore fews day back looking for blogskin..very very busy ..so no much time to write.. pai siex..
so fast le..christmas is here liaoz.. actually .. my family dun really celebrate christmas..christmas time moi father still need to work shift..hazi.. but not bad le..this year..going to grandmother house to celebrate lorx.. my anut going to buy ice-cream cake..yuppies..ice-cream cake...it been so long i last eat it liao lorx... sure very nice to eat dex... hmm..
come back to write here.. last entry is 5 dec..means 20 days i have not touch le..20 days..alot to me.. hmm.. happened alot of things..write will also will not write finish dex.. but twenty dyas.. i found out that comics sumtimes can really spent ur time off.. hmm..joanna lend me alot of comics..i met her alot of times.. alway go out wif her.. make myself look more happy liaoz.. my mood quite down..dunno y..
then i also discovered that alot ppl has blog liaoz.. especially mopi pri school friends dex.. all come and ask me to add.. hmm.. hahahz.. not bad larx.. hmm.. sae back moi blogskin.. alittle bit plain le .. but i also maage to find this kind...try harder next time.. hmm.. mopi wan rong andyiling said about making the above bar thingy off... i got the code..but the code like cannot work like tat for now larx..but i willl still give u the code lorx.. try try if u can see mahz..
school going to reopen le.... feel like not going.. dun have gain weight lar..still de same...good lor..lucky..i gain more weight later i overweight le.. scared ar.. next year i going to lose weight more..i think..should be very busy..
Sunday, December 05, 2004, 4:24 PM
bAck To uPDAtE My BLoGGie LEx.. Just COmE bAC From GentINg nIAz.. Go tO mAlaYSIa iN A gOOD coNDitIOn.. coME baCK to SIngAPore LiKE HAlf DeaD likE tAT.. YUp..tHIS IS tHE wORst TRip I EveR HAd.. DUnnO y X.. sO uNluCKy ..
Noe THE siNGAProe IDol ReSulTS IMMDetIAtElY lEx.. CAuSe ME sIS De fRIEnd MSg To HEr .. THEN nOE lORx.. TAufiK WOn.. hAzi...SIAn DAO lEx.. At mALAySIa .. Not Even A SinGLE sMALl ArtIClE ABouT SInGApORE IDoL WriTTEn THerEX.. NvM.. thIS enTRY WriTing A DAMn LoNG dE leX.. lIKE tHE cAMpinG liKE TATz.. BuT is 4 DAYs DE..
__~dAy 1~__
hMM.. The WHoLE mORing aND EArly AfTEROOn.. oN tHE bUS to GENtiNG.. BORIng lORx.. tHEn aBout 2.15pm LiKE tAT ReACh gENtIng.. TAKe cAbLE cAR up..chEck iN GEnTIng HOTel.. THEN REst A whiLE.. AFTer tAT Go ANd HAVe Some SnAckS tO mAkAN.. tHEn gO K boX siNg My HEArtS oUt... foR tHRee houRs.. tHE WAtIEr THerE GoT ONe VERy HAndsOME dEx.. ShuAI gE nIAz.. LooK qUIte alIkE lIKe OUr SCHool..E sEc 5 dE MARUcS.. tHEN ALiTtlE biT liKE jAY ZHou.. See Him UR HEArt wIll MElT dEx.. ThEN AT nIght .. Go WAtCH mOVIE..The IncrEdiBLes.. tHEn sHop AwHIle.. ABout 11plUS tHEn rEACh hotEL.. First NIgHt..CANnot Sleep .. Casue NOt COmfORtAbLE wiF tHE bEd TherE..
__~dAy 2~__
mOrInIng verY EArlY wAke uP. FoUnD tHAT A lITTlE biT fEverISH.. Sure IS becASue at NIgHt cannOt SLeep pOPerlY .. THEN alITtLE sORe ThroAt ..Sure IS bEcAsUE yEsterDAy Go And SIng K Box.. UNtil SOre ThroAT... Hmm...WriTE herE ..ME aliTtLE Bit MAlu lEx.. toDAe Go DOWN tO KL.. TAKe A 45 mINs bUS dOWn tO kL.. WALk ALiTTle.. THE WeatHER THERe iS so Hot..CAN bURN MY skIn nIAz.. gO tO tHE ShopPIng cENtRe tHERe..LOt 1o And tHE dunNO WAT it CAll.. tHEn BUy 2 CDs.. POKE lEx.. oNE is Luo ZHi Xiang De.. AnoTHEr iS SHE de.. thE CD tHEre All ImpORt fROm TAwiAN dE.. pRoduCe by TAwiAN de.. sO SuRE VERy ExpENsiVE..YAH.. VERy ExpEnsiVE lOR...tHEN BRouGht SOME cLoTHEs.. THEn ShoES.. AfteRoon Eat AT sWeeNEN.. DunnO lIKE tAT sPEll MAHz.. NvM lARx.. THEn TAke CABle CAr BACk tO gENtiNg AgAIn.. tHEN At nIGht .. Do NoTHing.. I 9 PLus tHEN SlEep LE>. cAsue alIttLE bIt fEVEr MAhZ..
MoRing EAlRy wakE up ALsO.. ClEAn Up ..HAVe a BATh.. THEn FouND out TAT i hAVe aliTTLe bIt OF cOUgh ANd coLD..i Also DUNno E reasoN.. tHEn lateR Go eaT bUffET .. For BReakfast.. THEn lATer Go THE SnOW cITy...YAH..saE THE sNOWcity I Very ANgry LE.. THE TEMpEratURe THere IS bEloW -3 DegRee... TheN VEry coLD lATEr.. MAKe MY lIps CrACk THEN NOW tHE liPS lIKE saUSAGe .. SO DigUSTing NiAz.. tHEN Go BUy THE PAckAGe FOr tHE inDOor THEmePARk De.. PLay THE WhoLE DAY lONG nIAz.. tHEn AftERoon EAT pIzzA hUt ..aT NiGHt ALso sTill PLAy lAr..INdooR thEMePARk..ThNE PLay tHE bUmpEr cAR..so SWAY OUt OF 14 1 IS SPoiL ..ANd I sAT oN THE one WhICh iS spOILEd.. so AngRY nIAz.. ThEn Play THE roLLOR COASTer.. nOt SCAry de.. BuT i DUnno Y SO mNAy pPL Go anD sCrEam LEi..I Bet iS tO sCAre thOSe WHO HAVe nOt SIt YEt.. Then Go Do Art OF riCe..tHE oNE.. thE riCe iN tHE bOtTLE dE.. Go bAck HOtEL Rest ALittLE.. EAT iNStANt nODdLEs.. CAsue EAT pIZza hUt MAH.nOt SO HUnGRY..THEn LATer Go To pLAy BowlIng.. THen rEACh HoTl 12 plUS lE.. First ThIng I do IS tO liKE on THe bEd lIKe Dead FiSh lIKE tAT.. Then MOi SIS SCOLD ME... pUSH mE go ANd bAth.. But oVERall I 1 am liKe TAT tHEN sLEep LarX.. aCTuALly WANna to go cybEr cAfe De.. But IS Full...
moRIng QUitE lATe wAke Up..GEt READy tO GO BAck LIAO..mORning BREAkfASt EAT PORrigDe.. thEN go BAck To HOtEl PAck ThiNGS lE.. THEn gO HAVe LAst minTUe ShopPIng .. BuY A pair OF eArRIngs...thEN chEck oUt .. TAke CabLE cAr bACk.. TAKe bUS..REach SingAPROe about 9.00pm..FeeL VEry weak aNd unCOmfOrtaBLE>.MAYbe IS BECAUsE oF THE coLD And COuGh lorx.. mY WOrST TRip Ever..